Jonathan Adkisson
A d v a n c e d S o m m e l i e r
Born in Oklahoma I made my way to Hawaii almost 18 years ago. Needless to say wine was never a part of my life until a brief stint in LA had me working in a top Italian restaurant. It was then and there that I found my love and passion for wine. Something about the fact that the best grapes come from the vines that struggle the most really resonated with me. Coming back to Hawaii it was hard to find good wine and people who shared my passion. Derrin and I shared a similar back grounds, we didn’t have the resources or privilege of wine being a part of our life or travel. Working in the same restaurant we started studying more and drinking more wine, pushing to try more wines from all over the world. We became slightly obsessed and we would save our money to buy and have wines that most people would never have the opportunity to. With both of us leaving college early we chalked it up to money well spent on our education. I was fortunate to pass my Advanced Sommelier exam with the Court of Masters and this where learning has truly begun. We have taken our wine education very seriously and everyday strive to learn something or try something new. It is with this relentless passion to find something great, that we will be able to bring that experience to people!