"Wine speaks to all the senses: 

the eyes behold the color, tone, and shade; 

the nose, the bouquet;

the fingers and lips caress the cool crystal; 

the ears delight in the subtle swishing of the liquid; 

the tongue rejoices in the reward of a rich harvest."

- Mary Lou Posch

Our Story

Sip Sommelier Services was born out of the passion of two young men on a journey to experience wine in its fullness. 


Wine is something that can transcend time, culture, and bring people from all walks of life together. We fell in love with the fact that though sometimes we can't physically travel, opening a bottle of wine can instantly transport you to somewhere else in the world. Being on a small island in the middle of the Pacific, it is a bit harder to travel around the world and this is how we started experiencing the world. Late night studying and trying to find bottles we've never tried, from legendary producers from legendary vintages, that’s what has brought us here. The insatiable desire to experience life, culture, and at the same time bring these experiences to those around us inspires us. Wine is more than just a drink, it's a celebration, a memory, a hope to one day, it's life.